On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 10:13:25 -0500 Bradley Hintze
<bradle...@aggiemail.usu.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a question regarding the changing of sphere size in a PyMOL API. When
> I use the command as presented on the PyMOLwiki, namely:
> cmd.set ("sphere_scale", size=1, selection='', state=0, updates=1, log=0,
> quiet=1)
> I get an error saying
> set() got an unexpected keyword argument 'size'
> I get the error wether 'size' is a string or an integer. What am I missing?

"size" is the wrong option,  You want "value".  Typing "help set" at the
PyMOL command prompt shows the following:

   cmd.set(string name, string value, string selection, int state,
           int updates, int quiet)

So you need to change your command to:

cmd.set ("sphere_scale", value=1, selection='', state=0, updates=1, log=0,


Robert L. Campbell, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate/Adjunct Assistant Professor 
Botterell Hall Rm 644
Department of Biochemistry, Queen's University, 
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6  Canada
Tel: 613-533-6821            Fax: 613-533-2497
<robert.campb...@queensu.ca>    http://pldserver1.biochem.queensu.ca/~rlc

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