
As you might have seen I checked in some code. Here it was it is:

- I added the high level API I did to my grokified branch. This also involved adding a new class called Avatar. An avatar holds the region it is in and the region again holds the details it gets from the place_avatar cap. When you move to another region the region in the avatar is supposed to change. It also holds a reference to it's Agent (I think at least, need to check again but it should)

- I renamed IPlaceAvatarAdapter to just IPlaceAvatar. I thought that makes more sense.

- I made the IPlaceAvatar adapter now adapt to IAgentDomain and not to IAgent which IMHO makes more sense aswell as it's the agent domain on which we make the call, not the agent.

Then I checked in the work on my agent domain implementation, at least the part I did on the library side. What's missing is the actual application using this stuff. It's work in progress right now so it does not work, mainly caused by not being able to call Linden Lab's regions.

I will now continue (someday) with it and will use OpenSim.

I will also checkin the example application but will do that to the Plone collective repository. I will send a note to this list once this is done with some explanation on how it is done. The main point here was though to keep application and library as separate as possible and the library part not depend on the application part. What I did in Plone was mainly adding views for login, seedcap and place_avatar which then call the library part and return whatever needs to be returned. Of course user handling is completely up to the application and it needs to implement an adapter which will log the user in (or maybe not). This adapter is then called from the login() method of the library.

You can find the whole package at


and the login method in particular in the __init__.py:


I might provide another buildout which installs Plone, the OGP product I am creating for it and the agentdomain library part. I need this for further development anyway.

-- Christian

Christian Scholz                         video blog: http://comlounge.tv
COM.lounge                                   blog: http://mrtopf.de/blog
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