
Yesterday I changed trunk of pyogp.lib.base to streamline the use of the ISerialization interface. The basic pattern for serialization is now:

from interfaces import ISerialization
data = {'some':'dict'}
serializer = ISerialization(data)
payload = serializer.serialize()
content_type = serializer.content_type

So what a ISerialization adapter does is serializing it's content with serialize() and returning the content type of the payload returned. The default implementation uses LLSD and thus returns application/llsd+xml

The same can be used now for serializing credentials. data in this case is a PlainPasswordCredential instance (or something which implement IPlainPasswordCredential)

Deserialization is a bit different because we don't start with an object which has some interface, we only have a string most of the times. Because of this I used a names utility (you can give utility names and register different ones which have the same Interface but different names).

Here is how to use it:

from zope.component import getUtility
from interfaces import IDeserialization
s = getDataFromSomeWhere()
content_type = obtainContentTypeOfData()

# both of the above usually come as a result of an http call

deserializer = getUtility(IDeserialization, name = content_type)
data = deserializer.deserialize_string(s)

The result is probably some dictionary (you need to know what the result should look like) which you then can process further.

doctests for all this can be found in caps.py at the bottom where I put the serializer/deserializer for cap data (I factored this out as it was hardcoded to LLSD here). You can find the plainpasswordserializer in credentials.py like before, now also with doctest. There is no deserializer for credentials right now as the client lib does not need it. It needs to get added on the agentdomain side, though.

I also wrote a doctest for caps in tests/caps.txt.

You can run them by calling bin/test in your buildout directory but you first need to start bin/testserver in a different shell.

In order to only run the doctests you can say

bin/test testDocTests

which only runs that file.

-- Christian

Christian Scholz                         video blog: http://comlounge.tv
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