Hi all!

Just a quick note to let y'all know that PyOGP will be getting some
attention here and there again for a while. Not that I or anyone else
actually has any spare time to spend on it, but it is becoming a priority
again to get functional automated regression testing working.

First thing I've done is create some maintenance repositories on bitbucket.

Yesterday I tinkered with the client proxy script, and made some good
progress. I'm on Mac (Snow Leopard/Python 2.6), and haven't checked any
other configs. Linux should just work (fingers crossed). I have no clue atm
if modern eventlet (one of pyogp's core dependencies) plays nicely on
Windows these days. I'll get to checking these out eventually, but I won't
for a while either as I'll be on vacation for 2 weeks, but I plan to play a
bit while I'm away. To try out the client proxy:

1. make sure your environment is prepared:
2. install the main repos listed above to a virtualenv:
3. check out the help for the client_proxy script:

[14:07:40] [e...@sune] bin$ ./client_proxy --help

Usage: client_proxy --port=PORT


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --port=LOGIN_PORT     Port to serve on (default 8080)

  --loginuri=LOGINURI   Specifies the target loginuri to connect proxy to

  -v, --verbose         enables logging, sets logging level to info, logs

                        names of all             packets

  -V, --verboseverbose  enables logging, sets logging level to debug, logs

                        contents             of all packets

4. update arguments.txt (mac) or the sl shortcut params (windows) or
gridargs.dat (linux), adding "--loginuri";
5. run the client_proxy and then the viewer. All that's going on so far is
logging of the proxied data, the fun comes later as we extend it's
6. This all works for me, I hope it does for you too. If not, there's just
something to fix...

I realized in exploring the proxy and the networking/udp protocol classes
that a bit of refactoring would be good to do, just to simplify things. I'll
probably tackle that next. I'm planning to focus on shoring up what exists
now, and generating some more and better docs so that folks who want to play
can do so more easily. I'll see if I can spare the time for regular Office
Hours again once I return from my break as well.

The primary objective in re-engaging here is to work on building out that
test automation suite I talked about forever. I would love some help, if
folks are interested. Using the proxy to record and perhaps be able to play
back sessions would be awesome in regression testing. Taking what's observed
there and extending the libraries themselves to enable crafting specific
test cases and suites to regression test the simulator and grid will be a
huge win.

I'm not dead yet! Neither is PyOGP.

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