I found one operation leading to the speed decrement.    When inputs are a list 
of dictionaries, pandas will firstly convert them to a series of numpy.ndarray. 
   This conversion might be slow when using PyPy.

I made a small example inside the micro benchmark project like this:
def bench_build_np():
with Timer('np.array'):
for i in xrange(N//10):
myarray = np.array([i])

On PyPy, it took about 2.3s, and on CPython it took about 0.22s.

I think I should try to find out why PyPy is slow on such condition.   But 
though I have read the docs for several times, I am not familiar with the 
details of PyPy project. Could you please give me some advice on why 
dynamically creating Numpy arrays is slow, based on how PyPy works?
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