On 16/6/23 09:50, Phyo Arkar Lwin wrote:

Hi guys , grats!
Long time i haven't use pypy. Question , does pypy support pyo3 now ? There are a lot of rust-python binded libs now and i cannot use themĀ  , when i tried last year. I am contribution to development of litestar framework which use rusted python libs , which i coin't get pypy to run with it.

Looking forward to use pypy again and we are going to get into tech empower benchmarks .



There is support in PyO3 for PyPy. Cryptography uses PyO3 and ships a PyPy wheel. Perhaps a github issue on the relevant project's repo would be a better place to discuss this.

I see this litestar issue [0] points to orjson, which led me to this issue in orjson [1], which was closed by adding this to their FAQ [2]: "Will it support PyPy? Probably not." On the other hand, taht was three years ago and the maintainer did express a willingness for other contributors to work on support for PyPy. Do you know what exactly doesn't work and what is the failure? I see there is support in litestar for using alternative json libraries, and truthfully PyPy has a pretty good reader built in, and PyPy works best when it does not have to call out to non-python modules.


[0] https://github.com/litestar-org/litestar/issues/851

[1] https://github.com/ijl/orjson/issues/90

[2] https://github.com/ijl/orjson#will-it-support-pypy

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