On Monday November 3 2003 12:21, Tom Badran wrote:
> I have PyQT and sip installed from debian unstable, however i
> cant get the build to PyKde to work. It finishes quickly with
> the following:

> Error: Couldn't find PyQt/sip directory -- from line 750 in
> build.py

> I have sip 3.8 and am trying to build this against kde cvs
> head, so i expect some problems. Any ideas exactly what this
> means though, and how to do deal with it? Are they any
> packages for debian i can install? Ricardo's site seems to
> claim they exist, but not on that server i guess.

I don't know about packages, but the error you're getting means 
what it says - build.py can't find the PyQt sip files. These are 
the files used to build PyQt, and if you installed a binary of 
PyQt, you may not have them. There should be a -devel package of 
some sort that contains them - if not you can download PyQt 3.8 
from http://riverbankcomputing.co.uk.

You should just be able to untar PyQt in a directory. That will 
give you the sip files - you shouldn't need to rebuild PyQt. You 
can then run build.py with the -v switch to specify that path:

    python build.py -v <path to PyQt sip files>

The path will be something like:


The "sip" on the end is critical - the rest just needs to be the 
correct path.

If you get a "version mismatch" type of error (using PyKDE-3.7 
with PyQt-3.8 for example), you can edit build.py to change the 
value of Release from "3.7" to "3.8".

PyKDE doesn't work with sip4/PyQt4 yet - you need PyQt-3.7 or 


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