On 2/15/2008 3:59 PM, Darren Dale wrote:
I am using QFileDialog.getSaveFileName:

from PyQt4 import QtGui
a = QtGui.QApplication([])
f = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, 'Open File', '.')
print f

If I select an existing file and select save, another dialog automatically pops up asking if I want to replace it. If I select no, getSaveFileName still returns the filename. Is this behavior correct, and if so, how do I avoid overwriting the file?

In case it is important, I'm using PyQt-4.3.3, Qt-4.3.3 and sip-4.7.3.

I don't see this under Windows, and I don't know how it would be related to PyQt at all. That dialog is the OS one under Windows and Mac OSX, so if you're using Linux it might be a bug of the Qt implementation used by Linux -- which you should report to Trolltech.
Giovanni Bajo

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