* Doug Hackworth (Fri, 16 Jan 2009 14:04:50 -0600)
> >> open a Python prompt and try to import any module, then try to
> >> import PyQt4.
> > 
> > Yep, did that -- it works just fine.  
> Scratch that, I told you the wrong thing.  The following is correct:
> 1.  If I open a Python prompt and immediately import PyQt4, it works.
> 2.  If I open a Python prompt, import sys (it works), and then import PyQt4, 
> the 
> second import fails and Python claims there is no module named PyQt4 .

Is it only this way for PyQt or for other modules in site-packages? 
Print sys.path after importing sys. (Would be good to know before but 
that's not possible).


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