FYI, there was a ticket to Nokia about this issue and it was closed citing that it is a bug in GNOME's window manager.

Brent Villalobos wrote:
Thanks. I recall reading that document a long time ago and it didn't "click" until now. Unfortunately, it looks like I fall into that category of window managers where QWidget.pos() will just return the wrong value at times for certain windows.

Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
Am Dienstag 13 Oktober 2009 schrieb Brent Villalobos:
Thanks for the response Baz.  I'm trying to save a window's position
when I close a window.  I would think that the position recorded on my
last move event would be the one recorded on the window's close event.
The fact that it is not points to an issue either with Qt, PyQt, or my
window manager.  It isn't a good situation when you can't trust the
pos() method for a window.  Since you're getting normal results, I'm
starting to think that the window manager is to blame, not PyQt or Qt.
FYI, I am on Red Hat Enterprise Linux v5.3 with PyQt v4.4.4 and Qt v4.4.3

Brent, you didn't mention, what you were after until now. Please run assistant and search for "Window Geometry".

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