Phil Thompson-5 wrote:
> I think this is all one problem and is nothing to do with threads. There
> is
> a (necessary) change of behaviour (documented in the current snapshot)
> when
> wrapping a Python sub-class of a QObject in a QVariant.
> Previously this was first wrapped in a PyQt_PyObject which managed the
> reference counts for you so that you didn't need to maintain an explicit
> reference to the QObject sub-class (the ImageLink instance in your case).
> The problem with that is that nothing outside of PyQt knows what a
> PyQt_PyObject is. So C++ code that has a slot or a dynamic property
> expecting a QObject*.
> The current behaviour means that you can pass your ImageLink instance
> around to code that doesn't know anything about Python - but it means it
> won't manage the reference count for you. In your example your ImageLink
> instance is being garbage collected too soon. Using a blocking connection
> serialises access to it making sure that it is used before being garbage
> collected. Using PyQt_PyObject as the signal signature has the effect of
> enforcing the previous behaviour. Hence no crash in either case.
> Phil

Hi Phil,

thanks a lot for the explanation, it all makes sense. However I've not been
able to fully test it because I bumped into another issue: so now thanks to
using Qt.BlockingQueuedConnection, my QThread instances send a signal and
wait when they have finished, so the destination slot has time to process
the ImageLink parameter. But I cannot keep track of the active threads in
this slot anymore. Previously I would do

  thread = QThread(link)
  threadList[link] = thread

when creating a new QThread and

  del threadList[link]

in the termination slot, in order to keep the necessary references to the
existing threads. But now since my threads are blocked, I cannot "forget"
them in this slot.

So I tried to create a new slot onto which I would connect the finished()
signal; at that time I'm sure that the thread is gone, but how can I
identify which one? There's no parameter to the signal, and trying to get a
reference to the emiting thread by using self.sender() doesn't work either,
I guess because precisely the thread is gone for good at that point. So how
am I supposed to keep track of those running threads in this situation ? Or
am i totally off ?

Thanks a lot for your help!

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