
the attached script implements a minimal tree model featuring rows deletion. 
It works just fine with (Qt 4.4, PyQt 4.4.4). However, with (Qt 4.5.2, PyQt 
4.5.4) and (Qt 4.5.2, PyQt 4.6.1) deleting the last row raises the following 

v...@rachael:/tmp$ python tmTester.py &
[2] 6819
v...@rachael:/tmp$ Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tmTester.py", line 189, in index
    return self.createIndex(row, column, branch.childAtRow(row))
  File "tmTester.py", line 86, in childAtRow
    return self.children[row]
IndexError: list index out of range

Is it a bug in the recent versions of PyQt? Or should I fix some problem in the 

I would really appreciate your help.


        Share what you know, learn what you don't

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *

class TreeModelTester(QMainWindow):
    """Test correctness of tree models/views """

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the application."""


        self.counter = 0

        # Make the GUI
        self.setWindowTitle('TreeView tester')

        central_widget = QWidget(self)
        central_layout = QVBoxLayout(central_widget)
        self.dbs_tree_view = QTreeView(central_widget)

        # The tree of databases model/view
        self.dbs_tree_model = DBsTreeModel(self)

    def setupMenus(self):
        """Set up the main window menus."""

        remove_action = QAction('&Remove', self)
        self.connect(remove_action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotRemoveBranch)
        menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('&Menu')

    def closeEvent(self, event):
        """Handle close events."""

    def slotRemoveBranch(self):
        """Delete a given branch from the tree model and its views."""

        current = self.dbs_tree_view.currentIndex()
        if current is None:

        # Delete the node

class GroupNode(object):
    """A group node in the tree of databases model."""

    def __init__(self, parent, name):
        """Create a group node for the tree of databases model."""

        self.children = []
        self.parent = parent
        self.name = name

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.children)

    def insertChild(self, child, position=0):
        """Insert a child in a group node."""
        self.children.insert(position, child)

    def childAtRow(self, row):
        """The row-th child of this node."""

        assert 0 <= row <= len(self.children)
        return self.children[row]

    def row(self):
        """The position of this node in the parent's list of children."""

        if self.parent:
            return self.parent.children.index(self)

        return 0
class DBsTreeModel(QAbstractItemModel):
    """The tree of databases model."""

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        """Create the model."""

        QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self, parent)

        # Populate the model
        self.root = GroupNode(None, 'root')
        self.addBranch(QModelIndex(), 'First node')
        self.addBranch(QModelIndex(), 'Second node')
        self.addBranch(QModelIndex(), 'Third node')

    def flags(self, index):
        """Returns the item flags for the given index. """
        return Qt.ItemIsEnabled|Qt.ItemIsSelectable

    def data(self, index, role):
        """Returns the data stored under the given role for the item
        referred to by the index."""

        if not index.isValid():
            return QVariant()
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return QVariant(node.name)
            return QVariant()

    def setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
        """Sets the role data for the item at index to value."""

        if not index.isValid():
            return False
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            node.name = value
                'dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)'), index, index)
            return True
        return False

    def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
        """Returns the data for the given role and section in the header
        with the specified orientation.

        if (orientation, role) == (Qt.Horizontal, \
            return QVariant('Sample tree')

        return QVariant()

    def columnCount(self, parent):
        """The number of columns for the children of the given index."""
        return 1

    def rowCount(self, parent):
        """The number of rows of the given index."""

        if not parent.isValid():
            parent_node = self.root
            parent_node = parent.internalPointer()
        return len(parent_node)

    def hasChildren(self, index):
        """Finds out if a node has children."""

        if not index.isValid():  # self.root fulfils this condition
            return True
        parent = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
        if parent.children != []:
            return True
            return False

    def index(self, row, column, parent):
        """Creates an index in the model for a given node and returns it."""

        assert self.root
        branch = self.nodeFromIndex(parent)
        assert branch is not None
        return self.createIndex(row, column, branch.childAtRow(row))

    def nodeFromIndex(self, index):
        """Retrieves the tree node with a given index."""

        if index.isValid():
            return index.internalPointer()
            return self.root

    def parent(self, child):
        """The parent index of a given index."""

        node = self.nodeFromIndex(child)
        if node is None:
            return QModelIndex()
        parent = node.parent
        if parent is None:
            return QModelIndex()
        grandparent = parent.parent
        if grandparent is None:
            return QModelIndex()
        row = grandparent.rowOfChild(parent)
        assert row != -1
        return self.createIndex(row, 0, parent)

    def deleteNode(self, index):
        """Delete a node from the model."""

        node = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
        # Deletes the node from the tree of databases model/view
        parent = self.parent(index)
        position = node.row()
        self.removeRows(position, 1, parent)

    def addBranch(self, index, childname):
        """Create a new branch under the given parent."""

        self.insertRows(0, 1, index)
        child_idx = self.index(0, 0, index)
        self.setData(child_idx, childname)
        return True

    def insertRows(self, position=0, count=1, parent=QModelIndex()):
        """Insert `count` rows after the given row."""

        node = self.nodeFromIndex(parent)
        self.beginInsertRows(parent, position,
            position + count - 1)
        child = GroupNode(node, 'Unknown')
        node.insertChild(child, position)
        return True

    def removeRows(self, position, count=1, parent=QModelIndex()):
        """Removes `count` rows before the given row."""

        node = self.nodeFromIndex(parent)
        self.beginRemoveRows(parent, position,
            position + count - 1)
        for row in range(count):
            del node.children[position + row]
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    tester = TreeModelTester()

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