On 29/05/10 10:00, Phil Thompson wrote:
Fixed in the current PyQt snapshot - sort of. It assumes that the char *
refers to a '\0' terminated string, which may not be the case.

Although earlier versions didn't seem to crash, I don't think they worked
any better.

thanks phil

i've tried the new pyqt snapshot with the latest qscintilla snapshot. i tested all the scintilla notifications that send char * (SCN_MODIFIED, SCN_USERLISTSELECTION and SCN_AUTOCSELECTION) and none of them now produce errors or crashes.

however, none of the actual string values sent are usable: SCN_USERLISTSELECTION gives an empty string, and the other two just garbage.

i also tried SCN_MACRORECORD as this sends void * in the lparam. this gives a sip.voidptr, but again it is unusable because it is unsized. partial conversion to a python string shows that it does contain the expected value, though.

i realise all this stuff is indirectly implemented in the high-level api, but it would still be nice to have it working properly, if possible. i personally use the low-level api a lot for experimenting with things in python.

probably not ever going to be high on your todo list, but i just thought i'd ask :)
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