On 04/08/10 20:25, Phil Thompson wrote:
On Wed, 04 Aug 2010 20:20:11 +0100, Baz Walter<baz...@ftml.net>  wrote:
On 04/08/10 20:07, Phil Thompson wrote:
Specific overloads are obtained by indexing the bound signal with the
signature you want, so...


can you explain why i see errors like this when using that syntax:

    File "menusys.py", line 1522, in __init__
TypeError: focusNextChild() has no overload that is compatible with

That exception message makes no sense in that context. Do you have a test

>>> from PyQt4 import QtGui
>>> app = QtGui.QApplication([])
>>> act = QtGui.QAction(app)
>>> wgt = QtGui.QWidget()
>>> act.triggered[()].connect(wgt.focusNextChild)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: focusNextChild() has no overload that is compatible with triggered()

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