Hello all,

I'm looking for some advice as to the best way of implementing an MDI - 
like application which is modular.
i.e. I want to have a MainWindow host with a menu which dynamically loads 
a list of modules available at start-up; where each module is simply a 
different dialog window interface (QDialog). The idea is deploy my 
application so that I may, in the future, expand its functionality by 
adding new dialogs as needed (e.g. e-mailing the users one or more files 
which can be dropped in the app directory)

My first simplistic idea was to have the host application look for 
available ui_xxx.py files in the application directory at start-up to 
populate the list of available dialogs, using a suitable naming 

However, I ultimately need to deploy an executable host application to the 
users and am not sure how if it still would allow me to load ui_xxx.py 
files dynamically.

I welcome any suggestions ... there must be a much better way of building 
a modular app..

Thanks for any advice.



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