On Monday 27 September 2010, 21:27:56 dizou wrote:
> I am trying to build PyQt 4.7.4.
> I have successfully installed Qt 4.6.3 to /local/Qt-4.6.3.
> I have /local/Qt-4.6.3/bin in my path.
> When I do this:
> python configure.py
> or
> python configure.py -q /local/Qt-4.6.3/bin/qmake
> I get this error:
> Determining the layout of your Qt installation...
> Error: /local/Qt-4.6.3/bin/qmake failed to create a makefile. Make
> sure you have a working Qt v4 qmake on your PATH or use the -q argument
> to explicitly specify a working Qt v4 qmake.
> What am I missing?

This sounds like a permission problem. Try this:

$ cd YourPyQtTree
$ touch Makefile

Does this produce an "permission denied" error?

If a Makefile exists there, check its content.

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