On 1/15/13 2:25 AM, ZHONG Zhu wrote:
> It's a pain when I started to work on a Shiboken binding to move my project 
> to Python based. I've been trying to do a binding with Shiboken on Windows 
> for months but can't make it work. I believe Shiboken is working or people 
> can't build the PySide Windows installer for us. But I just don't have any 
> working tutorial to guide me to bind my Qt C++ library on Windows.
> So instead of discussing about rewrite a new binding tool, why not try to 
> document more to show people how Shiboken works?

I agree that we should work with what we have, improving and documenting
it as we work with it.  How far did you get when you tried generating
bindings for your code?  Did you see the
http://lynxline.com/superhybrids-part-2-now-qt-pyside/ blog post or the
example that niki.spah...@gmail.com mentioned?

Please let people know of what problems you do run into; we can probably
help to get things working.



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