Hi Cristian,

thanks for answering. I understand that this topic is not an easy one
and appreciate the efforts from the Qt for Python team. Having a
statement of what to expect and not to expect is also valuable information.

You haven't mentioned anything about the shiboken side - I guess this
means that binary compatibility between shiboken6 patch versions is not
something "on the list" at the moment... I understand the tradeoffs
here, but this one would be on my wishlist (you have asked us users to
express our thoughts, so here I go :) ).

Kind Regards


Am 10/19/22 um 12:52 schrieb Cristián Maureira-Fredes via PySide:

On 10/18/22 22:26, ic...@gmx.net wrote:

I'd like to bring up a topic to discussion which I know the QT
project takes very serious and I'd like to know if there are any
plans to implement this also on PySide6 and shiboken6.

Semantic versioning seems to be a widely adopted standard in many
projects (for details, see https://semver.org/). It basically means
that a library maintains backward compatibility when changing the
minor version number and it maintains forward/backward compatibility
when changing the patch version number (this is usually used for
bugfix releases).

In (C++) QT, the rules are even more strict, because QT guarantees
also binary backward compatibility when increasing the minor version
number. This basically means that it should be possible to use QT
shared objects 6.4.0 for a project originally compiled against 6.0.0

In PySide / Qt for Python the version number seems not to give a lot
of guarantees. For example, the enum change introduced in 6.4.0 (with
the preview introduced in 6.3.1) doesn't seem to maintain backward
compatibility (a project written for 6.0.0 doesn't work anymore with
6.4.0). Admittetly, the "forgiveness mode" solves some (or most) of
the issues, but the blog post does mention cases where this is not
going to work. And I have found also a few cases which broke (see my
previous message). Obviously, the environment variable approach with
PYSIDE63_OPTION_PYTHON_ENUM is not maintaining backward compatibility
either. Therefore, a project respecting semantic versioning rules
would have needed to change the major version number for this change.

The situation gets even more unclear when shiboken comes into the
game additionally. When you have a project which uses shiboken to
generate python bindings for c++ classes (which additionally depend
on C++ QT), even switching between patch numbers has been binary
incompatible very often. I didn't try with 6.x.x versions, but I
assume that this is still the case? This is a pity because this
basically means that the PySide6 dependency of such a project is a
strict "PySide6==6.minor.patch" because PySide6 has a dependency to
"shiboken6==6.minor.patch". I'd love to see at least binary
compatibility between the patch versions, but this would require the
shiboken API to be binary compatible, which was not the case in the
5.x.x versions.

So the question is: Are we going to see more backward compatibility
in the future of PySide6 / shiboken6? Will there ever be any guarantees?

Kind Regards


thanks for your interest.

# The short answer:
The only compatibility we can provide in this situation
is within minor releases, we cannot include new features in major
releases only because then due to the slow development cycle in Qt,
we would be tied to old Python version for too long.

# The long answer:
We are in a very special position with the Qt for Python project,
where we are trying to find a middle ground of what does the Qt project
and C++ community needs/wants/uses, and what the Python community

Initially, the first limitation was to provide the module
for the many Python versions, including back then, support for Python
2.7 and 3.x. We were tied to Python 2.7 for more than a year
after it was deprecated because we didn't want to drop support on
a minor version, which is sane, many people sadly were still on that
version, so we made the decision to drop Python 2 support in Qt 6
In the meantime, there were Python minor releases that were adding
new features that users wanted to use, but we couldn't because we
decided for a long time to adhere to the Python Limited API [1];
in case you are not familiar with it is just a set of functions
that are guaranteed to work from Python 3.6+, so the pro
is that we need only 1 Python package (wheel) for Python 3.X,
instead of one per-version. The cons is that we cannot use
new features/API internally.

With that information, let's jump into the Enum change.
Due to the compatibility between Python 2 and 3,
Shiboken implemented an ad-hoc Enum system to mimic Qt enums,
and bring them to Python, the main motivation was that
Python didn't have any Enum mechanism in the 2 version,
so we used that, and kept it around. But Python
introduced the enum module in 3.4, so we really wanted
to avoid re-implementing the wheel (no pun intended) and having
our own Enum scheme was not optimal, so the work to migrate
to the Python enum system, started.
Additional motivation here was that PyQt, the set of bindings
developed by Riverbank, was also heavily using the enum module
for Qt 6 related wheels - we wanted to ensure people could
move around PySide and PyQt without much trouble.
So we did the release of the feature in 6.3.1 so people could
be able to test, and have a smoother transition to 6.4,
which by many reasons depending of the reality of developers,
they are unable to do, so that's the motivation for the forgiveness
mode. Yes, there are cases where it will not solve the issues completely
because it was not possible to handle the 100% of the cases due
to the implementation details.

Now we need to jump into Python's evolution.
The moment the firsts alpha, beta, releases of 3.11
were out, we had users starting to ask if it was supported,
or reporting issues related to building it. Even today, Python 3.11 is
not released, and we managed to provide support for the last RC.
So on the same position, which your valid concern about stability,
we have people asking for supporting the latest and greatest,
which sadly cannot be implemented easily, because even Python
is changing internal mechanism quite often in the minor releases.
(If you are familiar to Python development, you can notice that
there are no plans for a Python 4, and most of the new features
does come in minor releases)

I hope the email was not too long, but this is certainly
a problem that has many variables to consider.


[1] https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/stable.html

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