Hi all,

I have recently been very interested in getting PySide-based GUI apps to run in 
the browser via WebAssembly.
I've reviewed the information on the issue tracker, 
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-962 and the side discussions at 
https://github.com/pyodide/pyodide/issues/1933 and 
https://github.com/pyscript/pyscript/issues/305 .

While I can generally follow the individual changes, I was wondering if there 
was some more in-depth information on what technically needs to be achieved for 
962 to be complete, or if there is some better way for me to be present for 
these discussions.
Perhaps even just a first issue to work on would be good.

I haven't contributed to Qt before (despite having used it pretty extensively), 
but for what it is worth, my job is willing to give me a very good deal of 
freedom/time to work on this if I can contribute, since this will make things 
much easier for us in the long run.

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