So far, my life with sockets has been very easy.  Now I have something more 
complicated and hope that somebody can provide some guidance.
There are thousands of positions that need to be sent to a robot controller via 
TCP.  The controller can buffer eight positions, so the program has to keep the 
buffer full.  The program can send the positions without a reply and the reply 
will only show up when the robot has moved to that position.  I need to add 
that each position has a unique sequential number.  This means that the "send" 
and "receive" transactions are not coupled together.  I hope that makes sense.  
My plan is to start a thread to act as a client.  Then send positions in 
messages.  When the thread gets a readyRead signal it would read all of the 
data (a reply to one of the positions) and then send a signal back to the GUI.  
I will have to come up with some logic to make sure there is always eight 
positions sent to the robot and manage errors.  
My question:The thread would have some sort of self._socket object and a 
onReadReady method to read the data.  What happens if the GUI tries to send a 
message using MyThread_socket.send(MyMessage) while some data is being read?  
Does the socket nicely wait until the data is read and then send the message or 
is there some sort of collision that breaks everything?  It is pretty likely 
that the GUI will want to send a position while the socket is reading a message

Trying to understand how to handle this "separated" send and receive concept.
Thanks for your suggestions - I hope my explanation was good enough.

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