
This month PyTables celebrates the 10th anniversary of its first public 


There one can read that very new features of Python like generators and 
metaclasses were leveraged.  Even that a nascent Pyrex (the antecessor 
of Cython) was used for the extensions.  Oh, what memories!

The original text below:


PyTables is a Python package which allows dealing with HDF5 tables. Such
a table is defined as a collection of records whose values are stored in
fixed-length fields. PyTables is intended to be easy-to-use, and tries to
be a high-performance interface to HDF5. To achieve this, the newest
improvements introduced in Python 2.2 (like generators or slots and
metaclasses in new-brand classes) has been used. Pyrex creation extension
tool has been chosen to access the HDF5 library.

This package should be platform independent, but until now I've tested it
only with Linux. It's the first public release (v 0.1), and it is in
alpha state.

You can get it from:


There is still not a project home page. Perhaps in next days.

Feedback welcome.!

Francesc Alted PGP KeyID: 0x61C8C11F
Scientific aplications developer
Public PGP key available:http://www.openlc.org/falted_at_openlc.asc
Key fingerprint = 1518 38FE 3A3D 8BE8 24A0 3E5B 1328 32CC 61C8 C11F

Francesc Alted

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