Hi Gaëtan,

Il 22/04/2013 13:09, Gaëtan de Menten ha scritto:
> Hello all,
> TL;DR: It would be nice to have online documentation for stable versions
> and have pytables.github.io point to the doc for the latest stable release
> by default.
> ====
> I just tried to use the new out= argument to table.read, only to find out
> it did not work in my version (2.3.1).

please file a bug report for this.
The out= parameter should be marked as ".. versionadded:: 3.0"

 > Then I tried to update my version to
> 2.4 since I thought it was implemented in that version because of the
> "2.4.0+1.dev" name at the top of the page which I thought meant "dev
> version leading to 2.4", or maybe to "2.4.1", but certainly not the next
> major release. I got even more confused because, after the initial failure
> with my 2.3.1 release, I checked the release notes... which I thought were
> for 2.4 because the title of the "release notes" page is "Release notes for
> PyTables 2.4 series" when it is in fact for the next major version...

Gaëtan, we follow guidelines described in [1] for managing the 
development cycle.
We choose a version number only when it is actually time to make a release.

VERSION+1.dev just means the "development version (.dev) of the next 
stable release".

> Here are a couple suggestions:
> * doc for stable releases (default to latest stable), bonus points to be
> able to switch easily from one version to another, a-la Python stdlib.

I agree, in the future we will pay more attention to publish doc for the 
latest stable release on the main site

> * change 2.4.0+1.dev to 3.0-dev or 3.0-pre, and all mentions of 2.4.x
> * have new arguments to functions documented in the docstring for the
> functions (like in Python stdlib): "new in pytables 3.0" in the docstring
> for table.read() would have made wonders.

please see comments above

best regards

[1] http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model

Antonio Valentino

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