In the past some folks have been pushing for the resurrection of (some
form of) __cmp__, which is currently removed from Py3k (except for
some remnants which we'll clean up in due time).

I'd like to get closure on this issue. If someone volunteers within a
week to write a PEP, I'll give them a month to write the PEP, and then
I'll review it. The PEP better come with a patch implementing
(roughly) the desired behavior as well, relative to the 3.0 branch.

If I don't hear from a committed volunteer within a week, I'll drop
this and start removing __cmp__ references aggressively (starting with
issue #1717). Saying "if no-one else volunteers, I can give it a shot"
is not sufficient commitment. Saying "I will give it a shot" is. If
someone commits but no PEP+patch is in my possession by February 4
(and no attenuating circumstances have been brought to my attention),
I will assume the PEP won't happen and will start removing __cmp__
references. Once a PEP and patch are presented, I'll review them and
make a decision.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
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