I am pleased to announce the availability of a new backwards compatible
feature in the "baseline" package (releases 1.2.0). This release includes
support for Python 3.9 and removal of support for Python 3.4 and 3.5.

This tool facilitates streamlining the creation and maintenance of tests
which compare string
output against a baseline. It offers a mechanism to compare a string against
a baselined copy and update the baselined copy to match the new value when a
mismatch occurs. The update process includes a manual step to facilitate a
review of the change before acceptance. The tool uses multi-line string
for string baselines to improve readability for human review.

Docs: https://baseline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/baseline/
Repo: https://github.com/dmgass/baseline

License: MIT

With Regards,
Dan Gass
(dan.gass at gmail)

1.2.0 2020-DEC-22

+ Add ``--force`` command line option to suppress acknowledgement

+ Add Python 3.9 support advertisement. (Regression testing
  added to the release process.)

+ Remove Python 3.4 and 3.5 support advertisement. (Regression testing
  removed from release process.) Nothing blocks installation, but no
  promise exists that the package works with those interpreter versions.
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