Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
Hi Jim,

After a few checks (unittest + load testing), I've checked in my
modifications ; you might want to update and merge it with your code.

I'm still getting a memory leak with the merged code. Should I commit my changes anyway, or maybe we could create new svn branch for this testing?



2005/6/12, Jim Gallacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Nicolas Lehuen wrote:

You should cast self to a requestobject* :

That worked. Running some tests.



Anyway, I'm currently rewriting the whole request_tp_traverse /
request_tp_clear / request_tp_clear functions like this :

static void request_tp_dealloc(requestobject *self)
   // de-register the object from the GC
   // before its deallocation, to prevent the
   // GC to run on a partially de-allocated object



** request_tp_traverse
*    Traversal of the request object
static int request_tp_traverse(requestobject* self, visitproc visit,
void *arg) {
   int result;

   if(self->dict) {result = visit(self->dict,arg); if(result) return result;}
   if(self->connection) {result = visit(self->connection,arg);
if(result) return result;}
   if(self->server) {result = visit(self->server,arg); if(result)
return result;}
   if(self->next) {result = visit(self->next,arg); if(result) return result;}
   if(self->prev) {result = visit(self->prev,arg); if(result) return result;}
   if(self->main) {result = visit(self->main,arg); if(result) return result;}
   if(self->headers_in) {result = visit(self->headers_in,arg);
if(result) return result;}
   if(self->headers_out) {result = visit(self->headers_out,arg);
if(result) return result;}
   if(self->err_headers_out) {result =
visit(self->err_headers_out,arg); if(result) return result;}
   if(self->subprocess_env) {result =
visit(self->subprocess_env,arg); if(result) return result;}
   if(self->notes) {result = visit(self->notes,arg); if(result) return result;}
   if(self->phase) {result = visit(self->phase,arg); if(result) return result;}

   // no need to Py_DECREF(dict) since the reference is borrowed
   return 0;

static int request_tp_clear(requestobject *self)
   PyObject* tmp;
   tmp=self->dict; self->dict=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->connection; self->connection=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->server; self->server=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->next; self->next=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->prev; self->prev=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->main; self->main=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->headers_in; self->headers_in=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->headers_out; self->headers_out=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->err_headers_out; self->err_headers_out=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->subprocess_env; self->subprocess_env=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->notes; self->notes=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->phase; self->phase=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->hlo; self->hlo=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->dict; self->dict=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->dict; self->dict=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->dict; self->dict=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);
   tmp=self->dict; self->dict=NULL; Py_XDECREF(tmp);

   return 0;

As you can guess from the source code, we'll have to add some code for
the session member when you'll integrate your code in subversion.


2005/6/12, Jim Gallacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


It fails to compile when I add your bit of code. Sure looks like it
should work though.

requestobject.c: In function `request_tp_traverse':
requestobject.c:1539: error: structure has no member named `session'
requestobject.c:1540: error: structure has no member named `session'

Just to be clear, it compiles and runs just fine without the extra check
added into request_tp_traverse.

Nicolas Lehuen wrote:

I'm re-reading the comment I wrote when I implemented tp_traverse :

// only traverse its dictionary since other fields defined in
request_rec_mbrs with type T_OBJECT
// cannot be the source of memory leaks (unless you really want it)

Turns out that we should at least traverse the next and prev in case
someone does something like = req. That's what I
meant by "unless you really want it".

I wondered about that. :)


It's pretty difficult to get
there (you need an internal redirect), but you can.  So I'm going to
have a look at re-implementing the tp_traverse handler.

2005/6/12, Nicolas Lehuen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Duh, I get it. If you add a member to the request object, and this
member is not referenced in the request object's dictionary, then you
have to add a special case for it in the tp_traverse handler. In
requestobject.c :

** request_tp_traverse
*    Traversal of the request object
static int request_tp_traverse(PyObject *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) {
 PyObject *dict,*values,*item,*str;
 int i,size;

 // only traverse its dictionary since other fields defined in
request_rec_mbrs with type T_OBJECT
 // cannot be the source of memory leaks (unless you really want it)
 if(dict) {
     // this check is not needed, I guess, _PyObject_GetDictPtr
always give a pointer to a dict object.
     if(PyDict_Check(dict)) {
         i = visit(dict,arg);
         if(i) {
             ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0,
((requestobject*)self)->request_rec, "%s:%i Call to visit()
             // no need to Py_DECREF(dict) since the reference is borrowed
             return i;
     else {
         ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0,
((requestobject*)self)->request_rec, "%s:%i Expected a
 else {
     ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0,
((requestobject*)self)->request_rec, "%s:%i Expected a

 /* This is the new code that needs to be added to support the new
session member */
 if(self->session) {
     i = visit(self->session,arg);
     if(i) {
         ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, 0,
((requestobject*)self)->request_rec, "%s:%i Call to visit()
         return i;

 // no need to Py_DECREF(dict) since the reference is borrowed
 return 0;


2005/6/12, Jim Gallacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Lehuen wrote:

Hi Jim,

How where you creating the session object in requestobject.c ? If you
were using PythonObject_New, then this may explain the memory leak.
Objects that must be managed by the garbage collector have to be
created with PyObject_GC_New.

The c-code loads the python module and calls a function which generates
the session object.

static PyObject *req_get_session(requestobject *self, PyObject *args)
  PyObject *m;    // session module
  PyObject *sid;  // session id
  PyObject *result;

  if (!self->session) {
      sid = PyObject_CallMethod(self->subprocess_env, "get",
                 "(ss)","REDIRECT_PYSID", "");

       *  This is where the session instance is created
      m = PyImport_ImportModule("mod_python.session2.TestSession");
      self->session = PyObject_CallMethod(m, "create_session", "(OO)",
                self, sid);

      if (self->session == NULL)
          return NULL;
  result = self->session;
  return result;

# emulate a simple test session
import _apache

from mod_python.Session import _new_sid

class TestSession(object):

  def __init__(self, req, sid=0, secret=None, timeout=0, lock=1):
      # Circular Reference causes problem
      self._req = req

      # keeping a reference to the server object does
      # NOT cause a problem
      self._server = req.server
      self._lock = 1
      self._locked = 0
      self._sid = _new_sid(req)

  def lock(self):
      if self._lock:
          _apache._global_lock(self._req.server, self._sid)
          self._locked = 1

  def unlock(self):
      # unlock will ocassionally segfault
      if self._lock and self._locked:
          _apache._global_unlock(self._req.server, self._sid)
          self._locked = 0

def create_session(req,sid):
  return TestSession(req,sid)

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