Mike Looijmans wrote:

David Fraser wrote:

> See my other mail - basically you do
> cd dist
> set APACHESRC=c:\path\to\apache  (where this is the Apache2 dir in a
> standard installation, now need for apache source)
> build_installer

Okay, first I downloaded the .NET SDK. (Our internet connection is great here)

Then I get:

error: Python was built with version 7.1 of Visual Studio, and extensions need to be built with the same version of the compiler, but it isn't installed.

I don't have a VS license - that would mean I have to build my own Python in order to get any further. Oh dear...

Strange, I have VS.NET 2003 installed here, and it doesn't give errors.
I think I got mod_python compiling at one stage with mingw so that is the other route you could go...

I was wondering - since i won't be hackin' the C code (yet), would it be sufficient to just install the binary, and use the .py files as obtained from the SVN repository?

Yes you should be able to install the binary and run the tests from the repository (if you can get past the issues I had running them ...)

The 3.2.5 beta seems to run just fine here. Cannot run the automated tests though, because of the issues mentioned above.


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