Graham Dumpleton (JIRA) wrote:

On a virtual hosting environment such as OpenVPS, "localhost" does not map to the IP 
address "" but the actual IP of the host.

  >>> import socket
  >>> socket.gethostbyname("localhost")

This fact causes the connection handler test to fail because it sets up the 
virtual host listener definition as something like:

  Listen 59180
    SetHandler mod_python
    PythonPath [r'/home/grahamd/mod_python-3.2.7/test/htdocs']+sys.path
    PythonConnectionHandler tests::connectionhandler
In this case it really needs to be:

  Listen 59180
    SetHandler mod_python
    PythonPath [r'/home/grahamd/mod_python-3.2.7/test/htdocs']+sys.path
    PythonConnectionHandler tests::connectionhandler

I'd never do it in production, but, for testing purposes, wouldn't it be easier to use localhost directly?

   Listen 59180
   <VirtualHost localhost:59180>
     SetHandler mod_python
     PythonPath [r'/home/grahamd/mod_python-3.2.7/test/htdocs']+sys.path
     PythonConnectionHandler tests::connectionhandler

This should be portable across platforms.

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