Graham Dumpleton wrote:
Jim Gallacher wrote ..


I don't think it's necessary to add an additional JIRA comment when you
commit some code. JIRA will pickup the svn commit as long as the issue
number is mentioned in the svn commit message. People can subscribe to
python-cvs if they want notification of the commits.

This should save you a bit of work. :)


Looking at the bigger picture, I believe that adding the comment to JIRA
explicitly saves me work down the track.

Where I am coming from is the perspective of a user who has started
using mod_python recently and is having a problem. For myself, I find it
quite annoying when looking at other third party packages when
investigating an issue and find the problem mentioned in a issue
tracking system, but then find that it hasn't been updated in a while
and thus looks like the software is still broken and isn't about to be
fixed. Often one digs further though and finds that it was actually
fixed some time back, but because the issue tracking system was never
updated to at least mention that it was fixed in the repository you
never actually know this. The average person is not going to want to
subscribe to some special mailing list to find out about repository
commits for a package they have only just started to use. Even if one
did this, you aren't going to find out about what has happened in the
past from the mailing list. Thus to me, the JIRA system is perfect for
recording a full and complete history of what has happened that people
can refer to. The only problem at the moment is that the JIRA system
still isn't linked from the mod_python home page so people never
find it in the first place.

So overall I feel it saves me work as people will either find the information
themselves and know that if they simply check out latest source code that
they will get the fix, or at worst I can respond to questions on the mailing
list with a quick link to the JIRA issue and not have to reiterate the same
information all over again.

I also feel that identifying the revision may be helpful when someone
wants to perhaps backport changes to an older version. This may be us,
or someone who needs to do it for themselves.

All very interesting, except that JIRA does record the svn commit info, and with great detail. It just doesn't treat the commit as a comment.

For example:

Personally I think the Subversion commit information should be included in the comments by default, rather than requiring a separate view, but I guess that's between JIRA and myself. :)


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