Jim Gallacher wrote:
Laurent Blanquet wrote:

I'm using MOD_APACHE 3.2.8 (from binary dist). with Apache 2.0.55 under Windows XP Pro. I encounter memory leaks (~ 16 Ko per request) with a very basic handler like :

import mod_python
from mod_python import util

def handler(req):
    F=util.FieldStorage( req )       return mod_python.apache.OK

And sending an HTTP request like :
====  Output from TCPWATCH ====
POST http://localhost:80/python/Alertes.py HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------061006144341906
Content-Length: 209
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Host: www.tx2-localhost
Accept: text/html, */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)
Proxy-Authorization: Basic Og==

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="TYPE"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="FILEAGE"



Has somebody encountered the same problem ?
Is there a turn-around  or a fix that can be forecasted ?

This is the first that this has been reported, so forecasting a fix is difficult. It would be helpful if you created a JIRA issue at

util.FieldStorage is straight python code, so I'm surprised that it would be leaking, particularly 16K per request. Can you offer any more details? How are you testing, other mod_python Apache directives you may be using an so on.


Also, could you confirm that it *is* FieldStorage that is leaking (if you haven't already) by just reading the request body, bypassing FieldStorage completely. eg.

import mod_python
from mod_python import util

def handler(req):
    data = req.read()
    return mod_python.apache.OK


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