On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 06:02:52PM -0800, Brett C. wrote:
> Although if someone can start sooner than by all means, go for it!
> And obviously help would be great since it isn't a puny codebase
> (4,000 lines so far for the CST->AST and AST->bytecode code).

And obviously knowing a little more about the AST branch would be
helpful for those considering helping.

Is there any relatively up-to-date document about ast-branch?  googling
about it turned up some pypy stuff from 2003, and I didn't look much

I just built the ast-branch for fun, and "make test" mostly worked.
    8 tests failed:
        test_builtin test_dis test_generators test_inspect test_pep263
        test_scope test_symtable test_trace
    6 skips unexpected on linux2:
        test_csv test_hotshot test_bsddb test_parser test_logging
I haven't looked at any of the failures in detail, but at least
test_bsddb is due to missing development libs on this system

One more thing:  The software I work on by day has python scripting.
One part of that functionality is a tree display of a script.  I'm not
actively involved with this part of the software (yet).  Any comments on
whether ast-branch could be construed as helping make this kind of
functionality work better, faster, or easier?  The code we use currently
is based on a modified version of the parser which includes comment
information, so we need to be aware of changes in this area anyhow.

(on the other hand, I won't hold my breath for permission to do this
on the clock, because of our own release scheduling I have other
projects on my plate now, and a version of our software that uses a
post-2.3 Python is years away)


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