Just van Rossum wrote:
Skip Montanaro wrote:

Just re.sub("[\r\n]+", "\n", s) and I think you're good to go.

I don't think that in general you want to fold multiple empty lines into
one. This would be my prefered regex:

    s = re.sub(r"\r\n?", "\n", s)

Catches both DOS and old-style Mac line endings. Alternatively, you can
use s.splitlines():

    s = "\n".join(s.splitlines()) + "\n"

This also makes sure the string ends with a \n, which may or may not be
a good thing, depending on your application.

Do people consider this a bug that should be fixed in Python 2.4.1 and Python 2.3.6 (if it ever exists), or is the resposibility for doing this transformation on the application that embeds Python?

Stuart Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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