Paul Moore wrote:
On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 14:02:20 -0800, Brett C. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

2.5 was released just before the time this summary covers so most stuff was on 
fixes discovered after the release.

Give Guido the time machine keys back!

Fine, but I was going to go back in time, win the lottery, and give so much money to the PSF that a bunch of people were going to work on Python full-time for the rest of their lives. It's your fault, Paul, that isn't going to happen now. =)

I assume you meant 2.4, or is this a blatant attempt to get back ahead
of schedule with summaries? :-)

=) No, it's a typo. Problem of always using and working on 2.5 but having to remember when I am dealing with older versions.


PS If you look in this month's python-dev archives, you'll see
evidence of /F's last attempt to steal the time machine, with a
message posted from the "far future" of Feb 23rd, 2005. He clearly
stalled the machine, as he posted from an alternate reality. Let this
be a warning!

Will actually be nice to finally not have to automatically skip the first line in the archive page thanks to that funky email.

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