Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [Ka-Ping Yee]
>>Suppose exceptions have an optional "context" attribute, which is
>>set when the exception is raised in the context of handling another
>>exception.  Thus:
>>    def a():
>>        try:
>>            raise AError
>>        except:
>>            raise BError
>>yields an exception which is an instance of BError.  This instance
>>would have as its "context" attribute an instance of AError.
> [...]
> I like the idea, but I'm not sure about the consequences, and I'm not
> sure how it can be defined rigorously. Would it only happen when
> something *in* an except clause raises an exception? Which piece of
> code would be responsible for doing this?
> Try to come up with a precise specification and we'll talk.

If a new exception is raised (e.g., not a bare 'raise') while a current
exception is active (e.g., sys.exc_info() would return something other than a
tuple of None), then the new exception is made the active exception and the now
old exception is assigned to the new exception's context attribute to be the
old exception.

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