At 11:02 AM 9/3/2005 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>Printing the items in a sequence also becomes straightforward:
>print " ".join(map(str, range(10))) => output(*range(10))
>Playing well with generator expressions comes for free, too:
>print " ".join(str(x*x) for x in range(10))
>      => output(*(x*x for x in range(10)))

An implementation issue: that generator expression will get expanded into a 
tuple, so you shouldn't use that for outputting large sequences.

I don't much care for 'output' as the name, or 'end' as the end-of-line 
arguments, but for the most part I like the semantics; being able to drop 
the separator or change the end-of-line string make lots of use cases 
straightforward, and perhaps almost worth the parentheses.

My inclination would be to call the function 'print', though, and rename 
'end' to 'trailer'.

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