On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 10:17 -0800, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Actually this (function, method and ivar names) is such a contentious
> issue that I think the style guide should explicitly allow all
> two/three styles and recommend to be consistent within a class, module
> or package.

My own feeling is that the PEP should keep its current recommendation of
lower_case_words.  It allows for the other styles under the "be
internally consistent" guideline.

My current rewrite (to be checked in soon), has this also to say:

      mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the
      prevailing style (e.g. threading.py), to retain backwards compatibility.

It could be argued that this guideline should be relaxed to give
lower_case_words and mixedCase equal footing.  I'd disagree, but will
make that change to the PEP if there's strong consensus in favor of
taking that position.

> I want to be adamant about module, package and class names though:
> module/package names should be short all-lowercase without
> underscores; class names should be CapWords. I'd like to fix this for
> StringIO.py, UserDict.py etc.


> > The use of lowercase with underscores is the default so
> > the python std lib should use it in all modules.
> Too late. I don't think the diversity is all that distracting. I'd be
> much more concerned about spelling MethodNames (as unfortunately the
> Google style guide requires).

That's right out. :)


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