Hans Nowak wrote:
> I'm not sure what to say to that.  Do you really want to type "raise 
> SystemExit" every time you want to exit the interpreter?  (Your answer 
> would probably be something like "No -- that's why I use Ctrl-D".  But 
> that wouldn't really get us anywhere, would it?)

Well... I understand that you want "exit" to quit the interpreter, and I
can understand why you want that. Fredrik's proposed change started that
entire thread.

> My point is that there is currently no acceptable, universal way to exit 
> the interpreter.

That clearly depends on the definition of "acceptable". If "acceptable"
means "using a four-letter keyword", then you are right, yes.

> Again, it's not that big of a deal... but it seems 
> silly that something apparently trivial like that cannot be done right.

It's silly only if you understand the background that leads to this
state of affairs.


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