I think we have a fundamental problem with Python-ast.c and
Python-ast.h.  These files should not be both auto-generated and checked
into Subversion.  The problem is that if you do a "make distclean",
these files will get removed and "svn stat" will give you a ! flag.  Of
course, you can "svn up" to get them back, but that just masks the

Worse, if you distclean, then configure, then make, it is possible these
files will change.  Say you're working on a patch that touches a lot of
files and you do an "svn commit".  It's certainly possible that you'll
accidentally commit new versions of the Python-ast.* files, possibly
even broken ones.

The general rule should be that no file that is ever generated can be
checked into Subversion.  Probably the right approach is to check in a
template file that will not get removed by a distclean, and modify the
build process to generate Python-ast.* from those template files.


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