On Wed, 2006-01-25 at 18:10 -0600, Ian Bicking wrote:

> Paths are strings, that's in the PEP.
> As an aside, I think it should be specified what (if any) string methods 
> won't be inherited by Path (or will be specifically disabled by making 
> them throw some exception).  I think .join() and __iter__ at least 
> should be disabled.

Whenever I see derived classes deliberately disabling base class
methods, I see red flags that something in the design of the hierarchy
isn't right.  While I understand that you want to be able to use Path
instances anywhere a string is currently used, I'm not sure that
deriving from str is the right thing.  Maybe deriving from basestring
would be better, but even then I'm not sure.  Is it possible that we
don't need Path objects to interchangeable with strings, but just that
we can get away with expanding a few critical functions (such as

> I think the use of underscores or squished words isn't as bit a deal as 
> the case of modules.  It's often rather ambiguous what a "word" really 
> is.  At least in English word combinations slowly and ambiguously float 
> towards being combined.  So abspath and abs_path both feel sufficiently 
> inside the scope of PEP 8 that precedence is worth maintaining. 
> rfc822's getallmatchingheaders method was going too far, but a little 
> squishing doesn't bother me, if it is consistent (and it's actually 
> easier to be consistent about squishing than underscores).

For something like "abspath" which is really an abbreviation + word, I
suppose squishing them isn't so bad.  The alternative is absolute_path()
which is certainly more readable if a bit of a pain to write.  It's a
trade-off that should be made for practical purposes.  I've definitely
come to prefer spellings like is_absolute over isabsolute, and in
general dislike squish words.


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