Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On 1/30/06, Michael Foord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have a feeling that for many complex applications the developer is the
>> user. Agreed that giving complex configuration data along with program
>> data to the end-user is not good.
>> Despite this, data storage that needs to be edited by developers and
>> system administration is a very common usage.
>> I'm saying that for this purpose (up to a point) an INI file like syntax
>> is much *better* than XML.
> Sure. But for the same reasons, arbitrary nesting is probably bad.
Interesting. It's one of the most frequent complaints (lack of nesting)
I hear about ConfigParser. I guess I hang out in different circles.

I still think it's a convenient way of grouping related options.
Breaking them out into separate files is another way.

>> I'm not really sure there is such a clear distinction. Especially for
>> programs without a GUI, things like IP addresses, network details, paths
>> to data files, plugged in components, device names, (etc) seem to be both.
> Just try to keep it simple.
> I still think it's a typical programmer's mistake to assume that
> there's no clear distinction. For a user who's looking to change one
> of the three simple properties that make sense for him to configure,
> having to hunt these down in a file containing hundreds of stuff she
> shouldn't tuch is a pain, plus there's the risk that an occasional
> slip of the finger causes damage to stuff they don't understand.
Right, I guess I'm still thinking more of the developer than user. For
end-user simpler is definitely better.

I still see use cases for ConfigObj where complex editable data
(relatively - not database record sets) needs to be stored, and
COnfigObj syntax is preferable to XML.

> [snip..]
>> Anyway - I modify my statement accordingly. For accessing configuration
>> type data, the mapping protocol is an intuitive match. Named members
>> mapping to values. Whether this is done via subclassing dict is an
>> implementation detail. (Although I guess it implies that the full
>> dictionary API will be available and you seem to be saying that you
>> would rather that *only* relevant methods are available).
> I can see several improvements on the dict protocol. For example, a
> handy API would be soemthing that produces a default value that is
> specific to the key you are requesting. Using dict.get(key, default)
> has the problem that if you ever decide to change the default you'll
> have to modify every place that references it. If would be nice if you
> could use dict.get(key) or even dict[key] and it gave you a default
> that was specified once when the the file was read. 
We do this through the schema. You specify a default value for keys
(optionally). This is supplied if the value is missing, but isn't
written out again unless modified.

For a *simpler* case (no possibility of a write) you can just merge in
two config files, user data over the defaults.

It doesn't keep a track of which file values come from though (your use
case below).

> Another idea: have
> a list of multiple dict objects representing different config files
> (e.g. ./.appconfig, ../appconfig, ../../appconfig, ..., ~/.appconfig,
> /etc/appconfig, /opt/app/config). The dict semantics get in the way
> when making changes -- which file should be updated?
Hmmm.... all in all, I guess this is no. ConfigObj is fine as a separate
module, and it's features are well used - so to that extent the status
quo is fine.

Have we got anywhere on an updated spec for ConfigParser
replacement/enhancement ?

Suggested features seem to include :

* Round tripping (preserving order and possibly comments)
( maybe)
* Mapping protocol for access is not a bad idea
* List values seem a no brainer good idea to me
* Better support for default values
* Keeping track of values from multiple files, and writing changed
values to the correct file

We haven't discussed unicode of course, seems like a good idea for a
text format. (It was one of the motivations for an alternative
implementation Dict4ini.)

I'd also like to see values allowed without a section. Flat config files
with a few values are appropriate for many applications. (Maybe
section=None to access, this was the approach for ConfigObj 3).

Maybe the shooutout needs an update.

All the best,

Michael Foord
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (home page:

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