Jiwon Seo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/8/06, Josiah Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Closures already exist in Python.
> >
> > >>> def foo(bar):
> > ...     return lambda: bar + 1
> > ...
> > >>> a = foo(5)
> > >>> a()
> > 6
> Not in that we don't have anonymous function (or closure) with
> multiple statements.

As already said, lambdas (Python's anonymous functions) are limited to a
single expression.  If you can't do what you want with a single
expression, then it probably SHOULD have a name, so you should use a
standard function definition.

> Also, current limited closure does not capture
> programming context - or variables.

You should clarify yourself.  According to my experience, you can do
anything you want with Python closures, it just may take more work than
you are used to.

def environment():
    env = {}
    def get_variable(name):
        return env[name]
    def set_variable(name, value):
        env[name] = value
    def del_variable(name):
        del env[name]
    return get_variable, set_variable, del_variable

 - Josiah

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