On 2020-07-02 15:48, Jim J. Jewett wrote:
Guido van Rossum wrote:
On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 5:50 PM Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:
> The key thing I'm hoping for in PEP 622 itself is
> that "Syntactic compatibility with a possible future
> enhancement to assignment statements" be considered
> as a constraint on the syntax for case patterns.

That would certainly rule out ideas like writing stores as $x or x? or <x>
etc., since it would be syntactically incompatible with current
assignment statements.

No; it would be unfortunate that it creates a second way to
do things, but it wouldn't rule them out.  The problem Nick
pointed out is for syntax that is already meaningful, but
means something different.

     self.y = 15

already has a meaning, but that meaning is NOT "don't really
assign to X, I am using it as a constant defined elsewhere."

     ?x = 14
     ?self.y = 15

do not yet mean anything, and if they end up being a more
explicit (but also more verbose) variant of

     x = 14
     self.y = 15

that is probably sub-optimal, but it isn't any worse than :=

The slight variation triggered by the "?" of ?var would be
shorthand for "and if you can't make the entire assignment
work, pretend I never even asked", so that

     ?x, 0 = (4,5)

would not lose or shadow a previous binding of x.
IMHO, the assignment statement should remain as it is, not sometimes assign and sometimes not.

There could be another form that does matching:

    try ?x, 0 = (4,5)


    ?x, 0 ?= (4,5)

Perhaps it could also be used as an expression, having the value True if it matches and False if it doesn't.
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