On Wed, 11 Aug 2021 at 07:37, Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:
> I think PEP 649 should be considered in the same way.  In my opinion, the 
> important thing is to figure out what semantics we want for the language.

I think this is a very important point. As originally implemented,
annotations allowed attaching arbitrary data to function arguments and
return values. That was a simple language capability, with no
particular nuances, although the intended use case was very much type
annotations. Later, the decision was made that typing would be the
primary and "official" use for annotations - but even at that point,
the semantics were still impartial.

String annotations are changing the fundamental semantics of
annotations (introspection returns the source code string, not a
Python object) and there's even discussion of how this allows the
possibility for annotations to not even conform to standard Python
syntax. Surely, before we start changing the fundamental syntax and
semantics of a language feature for a single (albeit officially
blessed) use case, we should look at what capabilities *in the
abstract* are missing from the current behaviour, and work out how or
if we can implement them. Proposers on python-ideas are routinely
asked to demonstrate how their suggestion affects cases other than
their particular use case. Why shouldn't we hold typing to a similar

PEP 563 states that it's addressing two issues:

* Forward references for type hints
* Module import time cost of having type hints at all

Both of those are real and valid problems that deserve a solution.

PEP 563 is asserting that no solution is possible within the existing
semantics, and it's necessary to significantly break backward
compatibility in terms of semantics, and also opens up the possibility
of annotations not even being normal Python syntax in future (the PEP
says that any such change would need a further PEP, but definitely
does *not* say that the possibility is out of the question). PEP 649,
in my opinion, is exploring the option of addressing these two issues
*within Python's existing syntax and semantics*. How we look at it IMO
depends significantly on how we view the whole question of typing and
what it means for typing to be "optional".

Personally, my experience is that typing is indeed optional for small
or personal projects. But for larger projects, where there's a team of
people involved, it's very hard to argue against typing. Even if
you're not convinced personally that the benefits justify the costs,
it's hard to make that case persuasive, so typing pretty much always

With that in mind, if we *are* saying (as PEP 563 is, in effect) that
we're at the breaking point where we cannot support the typing use
case with existing Python syntax (note that PEP 563 essentially makes
annotations a new syntax for string literals[1]) then I would far
prefer it if Python gave up on this ambivalent attitude towards
annotations, and made a proper commitment to having a way of
expressing types within the language. That means defining type syntax
as Python *language* syntax and treating type syntax as subject to all
of the compatibility guarantees that the rest of the language adheres
to. It may still mean that we define new, type-specific syntax, but we
can put it in the language definition, and say that it's only valid in
annotations. That's not a showstopper. And it means that we don't open
ourselves up to tool-specific interpretation of core Python syntax.

What that would mean is:

1. What is valid as an annotation would probably need to be specified
once and for all at the language level. That's a compatibility break,
but we'd be making it with our eyes open, having found that the "a
single Python expression" approach isn't sufficient for the typing use
2. The forward reference issue is treated as a *python language*
issue, not just a typing issue. It may be that we decide to only
*solve* it for typing, but we can still look to the wider context for
ideas and inspiration.
3. The idea of having "special syntax" for type expressions would be
dropped - it's not "special syntax" if it's part of the language, any
more than assignment expressions or conditional expressions are
"special syntax".

It's possible that this is something that's already been discussed in
the typing community. But if so, then that's a discussion that should
have involved python-dev, as it's fairly basic to how Python as a
language is evolving.

On the other hand, PEP 647 is saying that we think that typing can
still be supported with existing syntax, and we don't need to (yet)
have that discussion. Although maybe the typing experts have further
plans (the whole "support non-Python syntax" hint suggests that they
might) that mean new syntax is an inevitability - but if so, let's get
that proposal out in the open where it can be discussed, and not use
PEP 563 as a "back door" to avoid that discussion.

>  Once we figure out what semantics we want, we should implement them, and 
> only then should we start worrying about performance.  Fretting about 
> performance at this point is premature and a distraction.

For the forward reference question, definitely. But PEP 563 also
states that it's addressing the issue that annotations have a runtime
cost - and as an alternative to PEP 563, PEP 649 needs to be clear on
what it's position is on that issue. I'd have sympathy for the
argument "any non-trivial type annotations need the user to import the
typing module, so make the runtime cost of *that* import go away, and
then we'll talk". Also, I don't think that improving performance is a
justification for a non-trivial backward compatibility break (I don't
recall a case where we've taken that view in the past) so "PEP 649
solves forward references without a backward compatibility impact, and
performance is a small issue in the face of that" is a reasonable
position to take.

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