> On 6 Oct 2021, at 12:06, Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:
> It seems like, for this to work, "group" would have to become a keyword.
No, just like `match` and `case` didn't have to.

> This would play havoc with a lot of existing code.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, Larry. I maintain this 
will be entirely backwards compatible.

> Even making it a soft keyword, a la "await" in 3.5, would lead to ambiguity:
> group = KeyboardInterrupt
> try:
>     while True:
>         print("thou can only defeat me with Ctrl-C")
> except group as error:
>     print("lo, thou hast defeated me")
Two things:

1. This is a convoluted example, I bet $100 you won't find such an `except 
group` statement in any code predating my e-mail 🤠 Sure, sometimes (very 
rarely) it's useful to gather exceptions in a variable. But I'm pretty sure 
`group` won't be the name chosen for it.

2. While non-obvious, the example is not ambiguous. There can only be one 
parsing rule fitting this:

'except' expression 'as' NAME ':'

Note how this is different from:

'except' 'group' expression 'as' NAME ':'

There could be confusion if except-star, whatever its name is going to be, 
supported an empty "catch all" variant like `except:`. Thankfully, this is 
explicitly listed as a no-go in PEP 654. So `except group:` remains 
unambiguous. We can even make its error message smarter than the default 
NameError, since -- as I claim -- it's terribly unlikely somebody would mean to 
name their dynamic exception collection "group".

- Ł

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