On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 11:52:11AM +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:

> Scratch that, it seems __trunc__ also returns an int, at least
> for floats. Not sure what the logic behind that is.

I'm not sure about the logic either, but it is documented as returning 
an Integral:

"Truncates the Real x to the nearest Integral toward 0."

so the option is there for third-party types to return some integral 
type apart from int. For the stdlib, the only Integral type we have is 
int. So I think we have the following intended behaviour.

* Round a numeric (Real) value to an Integral value:

  - round to nearest (ties to even): __round__

  - round down (towards negative infinity): __floor__

  - round up (towards positive infinity): __ceil__

  - round towards zero: __trunc__

* Convert a numeric Integral value to an actual int: (intended for 
  indexing of sequences): __index__

* Convert any arbitrary value to an actual int: __int__

Does that seem right?

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