On Wed, Nov 3, 2021 at 10:22 PM Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 03, 2021 at 11:21:53AM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > TBH, I'm not entirely sure how valid it is to talk about *security*
> > considerations when we're dealing with Python source code and variable
> > confusions, but that's a term that is well understood.
> It's not like Unicode is the only way to write obfuscated code,
> malicious or otherwise.
> > But to the extent that it is a security concern, it's not one that
> > linters can really cope with. I'm not sure how a linter would stop
> > someone from publishing code on PyPI that causes confusion by its
> > character encoding, for instance.
> Do we require that PyPI prevents people from publishing code that causes
> confusion by its poorly written code and obfuscated and confusing
> identifiers?
> The linter is to *flag the issue* during, say, code review or before
> running the code, like other code quality issues.
> If you're just running random code you downloaded from the internet
> using pip, then Unicode confusables are the least of your worries.
> I'm not really sure why people get so uptight about Unicode confusables,
> while being blasé about the opportunities to smuggle malicious code into
> pure ASCII code.

Right, which is why I was NOT talking about confusables. I don't
consider them to be a particularly Unicode-related threat, although
the larger range of available characters does make it more plausible
than in ASCII.

But I do see a problem with code where most editors misrepresent the
code, where abuse of a purely ASCII character encoding for purely
ASCII code can cause all kinds of tooling issues. THAT is a more
viable attack vector, since code reviewers will be likely to assume
that their syntax highlighting is correct.

And yes, I'm aware that Python can't be expected to cope with poor
tools, but when *many* well-known tools have the same problem, one
must wonder who should be solving the issue.

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