On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 8:54 AM Victor Stinner <vstin...@python.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 1:04 PM Petr Viktorin <encu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Right now, a large number of macros cast their argument to a type. A
> > > few examples:
> > >
> > > #define PyObject_TypeCheck(ob, type)
> > > PyObject_TypeCheck(_PyObject_CAST(ob), type)
> > > #define PyTuple_GET_ITEM(op, i) (_PyTuple_CAST(op)->ob_item[i])
> > > #define PyDict_GET_SIZE(mp)  (assert(PyDict_Check(mp)),((PyDictObject
> > > *)mp)->ma_used)
> >
> > When I look at the Rationale points, and for the first three of these
> > macros I didn't find any that sound very convincing:
> > - Functions don't have macro pitfalls, but these simple macros don't
> > fall into the pits.
> > - Fully defining the argument types means getting rid of the cast,
> > breaking some code that uses the macro
> > - Debugger support really isn't that useful for these simple macros
> > - There are no new variables
> Using a static inline function, profilers like Linux perf can count
> the CPU time spend in static inline functions (on each CPU instruction
> when using annotated assembly code). For example, you can see how much
> time (accumulated time) is spent in Py_INCREF(), to have an idea of
> the cost of reference counting in Python. It's not possible when using
> macros.
> For debuggers, you're right that Py_INCREF() and PyTuple_GET_ITEM()
> macros are very simple and it's not so hard to guess that the debugger
> is executing their code in the C code or the assembly code. But the
> purpose of PEP 670 is to convert way more complex macros. I wrote a PR
> to convert unicodeobject.h macros, IMO there are one of the worst
> macros in Python C API:
> https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/31221
> I always wanted to convert them, but some core devs were afraid of
> performance regressions. So I wrote a PEP to prove that there is no
> impact on performance.
> IMO the new unicodeobject.h code is way more readable. I added two
> "kind" variables which have a well defined scope. In macros, no macro
> is used currently to avoid macro pitfalls: name conflict if there is
> already a "kind" macro where the macro is used.
> The conversion to static inline macros also detected a bug with "const
> PyObject*": using PyUnicode_READY() on a const Unicode string is
> wrong, this function modifies the object if it's not ready (WCHAR
> kind). It also detected bugs on "const void *data" used to *write*
> into string characters (PyUnicode_WRITE).

Nice example PR.  For now what we're suggesting is to proceed with changes
where it cannot lead to compilation warnings (failures in the widely used
-Werror mode) being introduced.  Yes, that may still leave a lot of
desirable cleanup to be done.  But we don't want to block everything while
discussing the rest. Incremental improvement is good even if not everything
is being done yet.

Two differing examples from that PR 31221:

Hold off as unsafe for now: Macros that do things like
(PyWhateverObject*)(op) such as PyUnicode_CHECK_INTERNED(op) should not
have the casting part of macros replaced yet. Doing so could result in a
warning or failure at -Werror compile time if someone was not using a
PyObject*.  Code is *supposed* to, but the cast means anyone could've used
PyUnicodeObject or whatnot itself.  Perhaps use a hybrid approach when
feasible similar to:
  #define PyUnicode_CHECK_INTERNED(op)
_PyUnicode_CHECK_INTERNED((PyASCIIObject *)(op))

That should make it safe.  And I believe you do mention this technique as
something to be used in the PEP.

Safe: PyUnicode_WRITE() in that PR. At first glance that is full of casts
on its data and value parameters so it raises suspicion. But further
analysis shows that data becomes a void* so there is no casting issue there
unless someone were passing a non-pointer in which isn't rightfully
something code should *ever* have done. And value would only be an issue if
someone were passing a non-integer type in, that also seems exceedingly
unlikely as there'd never be a point in writing code like that. So that
kind of change is fine to proceed with.

> The "massive change to working code" part is important. Such efforts
> > tend to have unexpected issues, which have an unfortunate tendency to
> > surface before release and contribute to release manager burnout.
> Aren't you exaggerating a bit? Would you mind to elaborate? Do you
> have examples of issues caused by converting macros to static inline
> functions?

Not quite the same but I've got a related example similar to what macros
casting pointer becoming a function accepting PyObject* without a cast
*could* do:

Between 3.6 and 3.7 we added const to a number of our public Python C APIs.

Migration to 3.7 required updating all sorts of C and C++ extension module
code to be pedantically correct, up through its call chain in some cases
with matching const declarations on types. (including conditional
compilation based on the Python version to support compilation under both
during the transition - which is more than a pointer cast change would
normally entail).

It was an unintended consequence of a seemingly minor API annotation for
pedantic correctness.  Cast changes should be easier to fix. It's more the
act of needing to fix things when not important that we want to avoid.

The PEP lists many macros converted to static inline functions and
> static inline functions converted to regular functions:
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0670/#macros-converted-to-functions-since-python-3-8

Yep!  Those are great success data points to have.  Note that Py_INCREF
remains a macro so that the cast stays in place:
 #define Py_INCREF(op) _Py_INCREF(_PyObject_CAST(op))

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