At 07:27 PM 7/5/2006 +0200, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>However I still don't believe "global" has the stretchiness in its
>meaning that you claim it has. Have you ever heard a Python programmer
>talking about closures use the word "global variable"?
>Are there any other native speakers who side with Michael?

I don't, and am -1 on using "global" to mean "outer".

Of course, I also don't really care for using "global" to refer to a module 
level variable, or it being the only non-executable statement in Python, 
but these are very minor things and relatively easily explained to the 
programmers I've worked with.  Using "global" to mean "outer", on the other 
hand, would surely lead to much wailing and grinding of teeth in response 
to any attempt at rational explanation.  :)

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