At 01:25 PM 2/17/2007 +0200, KoDer wrote:
>C:\\Python25\\lib\\. contain *many* packages with .dll files - i can't
>just zip it.
>wxPython,pyOpenGL,PIL,tk and so on. On Fedora 6 more than 40% dirs of
>/usr/lib/site-packages contained .so files. Some of them add dirs to path

I'm not talking about the subdirectories under lib, just lib itself.  That 
is, the Python standard library.  Stdlib DLLs are in a separate 
subdirectory ('DLLs' on Windows, 'lib-dynload' most other places).

>Are setuptools can  work properly with packages packed in one big zip archive
>(i really don't known)?

I don't follow you; this has nothing to do with setuptools.  It's a feature 
of Python since version 2.3, but as far as I know nobody's ever set up the 
build machinery to create the necessary zipfile when Python is 
installed.  Perhaps that would be a nice place to begin your patch: a 
script to create a stdlib zipfile in the platform-appropriate location, 
that can run after the bytecode compilation of the stdlib modules, or that 
users can run on older versions of Python to do the same thing.

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