I'm planning on re-presenting it at the local google office in the
next couple of weeks. I might try and arrange for it to be recorded
and put online. At the moment we seem to have a real lack of concrete
information for people about the transition. If I had time (ha! HA!)
I'd try to turn the slides into a series of articles.

Right now, there's the What's New In Python 3.0, and the PEPs. The
former isn't complete yet (obviously) and isn't all that detailed. The
latter is a whole pile of text, some relevant and some not so much.


On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Trent Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> (*) slides:
>> http://www.interlink.com.au/anthony/tech/talks/OSCON2008/porting3.pdf
> Hilarious!  Seems like that would have been a riot of a session to attend.  
> (I'm kicking myself for attending some other uninteresting talk when yours 
> was on.)
>        Trent.
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