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On Sep 8, 2008, at 1:13 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

Perhaps it's time to separate the 2.6 and 3.0 release schedules? I
don't care if the next version of OSX contains 3.0 or not -- but I do
care about it having 2.6.

I've talked with my contact at MajorOS Vendor (tm) and, as much as he can say, he would be fine with this. They're having problems getting 3rd party modules to build against 3.0 anyway, but if we can release a very solid 2.6 by the 1-Oct deadline, I would support splitting the releases.

I really don't like doing this, but if we can get 2.6 out on time, and 3.0 doesn't lag too far behind, I'm okay with it. We'll have to abbreviate the release schedule though, so everyone should concentrate on fixing the 2.6 showstoppers. I think we need to get 2.6rc1 out this week, followed by 2.6rc2 next Wednesday as planned and 2.6final on 1-October.

I've shuffled the tracker to reduce all 3.0-only bugs to deferred blocker, and to increase all 2.6 deferred blockers to release blockers. There are 11 open blocker issues for 2.6:

3629 Python won't compile a regex that compiles with 2.5.2 and 30b2
3640 test_cpickle crash on AMD64 Windows build
3777 long(4.2) now returns an int
3781 warnings.catch_warnings fails gracelessly when recording warnings but...
2876 Write UserDict fixer for 2to3
2350 'exceptions' import fixer
3642 Objects/obmalloc.c:529: warning: comparison is always false due...
3617 Add MS EULA to the list of third-party licenses in the Windows...
3657 pickle can pickle the wrong function
1868 threading.local doesn't free attrs when assigning thread exits
3809 test_logging leaving a 'test.blah' file behind

If we can close them by Wednesday or Thursday, and the 2.6 bots stay green, I will cut the 2.6rc1 release this week and the 2.6rc2 and final on schedule.

If you're on board with this, please do what you can to resolve these open issues. As always, I'm on irc if you need to discuss anything.

- -Barry

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